Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, the first day of the new year! Lets hope that it is a year of dreams coming true. I'm hopeful.

So... update on the insem process. We only did a couple this month. I had a little bit of medical troubles (nothing serious) and had to go see my Dr, and that sort of interfered a bit. I'm glad though that I got to see my Dr, and ask some questions. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Doctor! He's so Awesome!
I asked about the mid cycle spotting - he said it is normal... me, I still worry about it, lol. I'm a nut like that.
I asked about the lack in temp spike on my BBT charting - he said, we'd better get a blood test to check my progesterone levels, and see if I am really ovulating... I did mention that I do get positive opk's around the same time every month.
He asked about the technicalities or our home insemination's. "are the donor and i having intercourse?".. Told him about the cup, and syringe. He offered advise about using a bigger syringe, disappeared into the other room, and came back with much larger syringes than we've been using.
He asked about how the syringe is working for us? ... I tell him that the truth is, we do have some trouble figuring out where we need to "put the stuff" and that sometimes it comes right back out... he offered advise on positions, and suggested we try a speculum.
Such a comfortable conversation. It was very nice.
So.. now I just wait to see what happens with my tests. My cycle is regular, but so much about it worries me. I think tho, that is just all part of the trying process.
Lets just hope that if anything is "off", we can fix it quite easily.

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