Sunday, December 2, 2012

13 more! 18 days!

Mom only has 13 more radiation treatments left. Only 18 days until she's finished with all this. Best Christmas gift ever! She is doing surprisingly well with it. My mom is definitely for sure a TROOPER! I'm so proud of her!

Maizey had a fantastic birthday. She played with cousins and friends and it was great! She is such a sweet girl. Truly amazing!

I'm in full "gotta have another baby" mode. I would like to start trying in January, I mean I'm 35 years old and everywhere I look, thing are saying how quickly your fertility decreases after age 35. Angela isn't quite on board yet with my timeline. She'd like to wait a while until we have a better idea of what our finances will be like now that we're in the new house. I can totally understand where she's coming from and my practical side totally agrees. I'm just finding it hard to argue with my biological clock.

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