Thursday, August 23, 2012

So busy!

It's been forever since I last posted. I've just been so busy! First we went camping to Killbear provincial park from July 22 to 28. We had a fantastic time and were really impressed with the park facilities, and the beach. It's on Georgian Bay, and the water seemed to have flecks of gold in the sand. It was really beautiful. We saw numerous deer and other wildlife. We are convinced we heard a bear roaming near our campsite one night.

Next we went to Sandbanks provincial park from August 12 - 18. This time we had a campsite right on the beach! It had its pro's and con's. The day we arrived it was very windy. We had to tie the poles of our dining tent to a tree to keep the tent from blowing away. I found this trip quite exhausting. Maizey is in a mommy phase and all she wants all the time is MY undivided attention. Attention from anyone else just won't do. That makes it hard because camping takes a lot of work, work that I enjoy, such as cooking and barbecuing, dishes, clean-up, keeping the trailer tidy etc... It may sound like a normal amount of work but, when you're camping it takes more effort because you have to unpack everything you need, then put it back. You can't leave anything out because it attracts wildlife. You can actually be fined if you leave animal attractants out. My very best friend Jo and her son met us for the last two nights. It was nice catching up, and the kids are finally old enough to play together.

I just got back from taking some of the individual's I support at work on their camping vacation. We stayed 3 nights in an RV at Darien Lake. It was a nice time.
It was nice to have some toddler free time, but I missed Angela and Maizey more than anything.
A picture from the laser light show.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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