Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Breast Feeding

Some nights are less of a routine than others. I mean, really we've only had her for a week so i'm not expecting clock work yet. Breast feeding is well... Going. I thought I was indifferent about bottle vs breast, turns out... I want a breast milk baby. I've shed many a frustration tear about this as I struggle. My boobs are good boobs for this.. And a week in and I haven't given up yet, but it seems little Maizey doesn't want to work for her food. She either isn't/can't latch far enough on my nipple, or she is too lazy to suck hard enough. She's just not getting enough and simply wants to graze all day/night. We've been supplimenting with formula and now that I'm pumping, bottles of breast milk. It seems to be helping get a routine. Speaking of feeding, it's that time again...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Stacey said...

Breastfeeding is not easy. I think every mother has shed a tear over this. It will get easier and then it'll be a piece of cake. And then you'll be wondering when you can stop... ;) Good job on getting it to work.

Teaberry said...

;-) it's ALWAYS that time!