Friday, May 28, 2010

It's a boring life these days...

Nothing much has been going on these days. Ange has been training 35 hours a week for her new job for the last 2 weeks, as well as working close to 35 hours a week at her old job. Needless to say, I haven't seen her for almost two weeks. She doesn't even get this weekend off. I am off all weekend and looking forward to it. It's been a short week for me but I still feel ready for a break. We have a wedding to go to on Saturday, so at least we'll be able to spend some time together there.
The weather here has been gorgeous... All hot and humid, and I love it. I never had a/c growing up so now I don't usually feel like I need it. I do admit that there are few occasions that I can't get comfortable in the heat and think an a/c unit would be nice, but most of the time I can survive nicely. I am so hoping for a nice hot humid summer this year.
Although the extra pay from Ange working two jobs so hardcore is nice, I still miss her and would rather spend more time together

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Stacey said...

No a/c? I can't cope when it's really hot. I love the a/c.

Sorry Ang is working so much but glad things are going well.

Anonymous said...

Hey you - remember angie working this much isn't forever.. just during the transition between jobs! She's doing it for all the right reasons (ie. baby) so hang in there and make the most of the time you do have together!

Have fun at the weddding tonight! See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

ps. Love Melissa