Here are the factors...
1) got positive OPKs
2) timed the inseminations perfectly with the "the three most fertile days" according to my opk instructions.
3) had some ovulation cramping on the right side and a small amount of spotting, which I have read can be a huge sign of fertility.
4) lots of other fertile signs such as really good ewcm.
Negatives ...
1) donor had been sick shortly before making his contributions and this could cause poor sperm count and motility.
2) would have liked to squeeze in one more insemination, but just couldn't coordinate it due to schedule conflicts.
3) Google- always has a negative for every positive... It is possible to have positive OPKs and still not actually ovulate. (I worry this is my issue... Not that I never ovulate, but that I don't except for rare months... Track record shows extra dark test lines on opk when I actually did become pregnant)
All I can do is wait it out.
I can ask my doc for blood tests to confirm ovulation... But last time he sent me on day 14 of my cycle to test for the hormone post ovulation, but generally I don't detect ovulation until after cycle day 17 or 18 as I have a 31-32 day cycle. Oh ya... Another thing... What's with my period coming 3-4 days early on months that I've inseminated? Super weird.
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