Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm the worst at titles!

My little monkey girl is playing in the bath. I switched up the routine tonight. I'm actually being a good little house wife tonight. I'm currently in the middle of my 3rd load of laundry and getting a jump on the bath. Lucky for me, Maizey doesn't melt down if the routine is a little switched up. Angela will be home at about 6:30 tonight so that gives me just a little over an hour to finish up the bath and make dinner. (chicken fajitas, pre-cooked meat) Dinner shouldn't take long. Tonight is the first night in a long time that I haven't felt like going to bed as soon as I got home from work. I haven't been taking my iron supplements for a while, that is likely the problem. I just haven't bothered to pick any up. I know! Duh!
I got an email from my dad letting me know that my little brother Will, proposed to his long time girlfriend on Monday night. He rented the ice rink at Rockefeller in New York and proposed with hundreds of spectators. She of course said yes! I stole this picture from her

Ok - so super mom maybe not! I got distracted by texting and making dinner and didn't finish my post. I also left one load in the dryer. Some friends ended up coming over and we went in the hot tub. I am over paranoid about the hydro we're spending on running it in the winter.
We're hoping to keep it open at least until New Years Eve.
And... This is my third attempt at finishing this post. I don't know how mom's do it! I've been busy again tonight. It's 7pm, I've been home 3.5 hrs from work and I've dismembered my couch cushions to wash the covers and steam the cushions and parts that can't be put in the machine because one of the dogs barfed on it. I've washed the covers, steamed the cushions and other parts ... Made dinner, fed the child, gave 4 dogs a bath, did 2 loads of laundry and put it away, gave Maizey a bath, removed Mai from the bath when she pooped in it, cleaned the tub, re-bathed Maizey and coloured. I still have to reassemble the couch, vacuum and clean the floors and clean up after dinner and put Maizey to bed.
Tomorrow- organize and prepare Maizey's birthday party.
How do you do it all? It's exhausting!
On a happy note! Baby girl is 2 on Saturday!
Ok this is ending here while I have time!
Update to follow!

Monday, November 5, 2012

All moved in !

We finally moved the rest of our stuff into the new house. We ended up throwing a whole bunch more stuff out. Feels good to be rid a lot of stuff.
We still have some organizing to finish, but it's going well.
Maizey has been so funny the last little while! So cute! She's talking a lot and most of the time I can understand what she is talking about. Her little expressions are so cute!
Her new favorite activity is colouring:


She was a monkey for Halloween!

Angela and I both had to work in the afternoon on Halloween so we dressed her up during the day for our shopping.
She loved trick-or-treating!

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