Sunday, February 27, 2011

good baby?

I really have no place to reference from on whether or not I am a lucky mom or not. I think I have a good baby. For example, most of the time she is quiet, and just babbles, or goos and gaaas.. but rarely cries. She cries when she is hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable. But that is pretty well the only reason. She has been a little cranky for the past few days, but I think it is her 3 month growth spurt. She seems to be hungry and sleepy a lot!
I took her to the Doctor on Thursday. IT was to check her weight gain since the last appointment. She gained less than a pound. she weighs 10 lbs 13 oz. The doctor suggested that we try different formula's for her to see if maybe she likes one better than the one we currently use. He also says we will start her on cereal next month when she is 4 months. She is still eating 3oz every 3 hours. Although I think she is starting to get hungry sooner, like at 2.5 hrs. We can try to give her 4oz but she doesn't finish it. I think she probably has a really small tummy.
So, is she a good baby?
Night time routine... Because our doctor recommended that we have her in our bedroom, we don't put her to bed until we are ready to go to bed. We find that we wake her if we put her in bed earlier. So.. at bedtime, we take her up and change her diaper, and then we read her a book, and give her a bottle, and rock her. Some times she falls asleep in our arms, sometimes we put her down when she is still a little awake when we put her the crib. She usually goes to sleep and will sleep anywhere from 3hrs to 6hrs before she wakes up for a feeding. Then we get her up, change her and give her a bottle, and she falls back to sleep while eating, and we put her back in the crib and she again sleeps another 3 to 4 hours, and we repeat with the diaper and the bottle, and she sleeps again. Usually we will end up getting up for the day at around 9 or 10am. Maybe I shouldn't talk about it... Maybe my luck will change. Maybe I just think she is a good baby but maybe this is not a good baby.. Like I said.. i have no comparison.
ok.. we got a new camera because we were tired of only having cell phone quality pictures, and our other camera is just too big to carry around everywhere. So here are a couple of the pictures... just randoms, trying the camera out.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Got Engaged this valentine's day. Ange asked me at dinner tonight. I didn't really get her anything for Valentine's day because, well we don't really do that stuff. Mostly we just get each other gifts when we want to, not for occasions. You know.. not because we are supposed to. Well we went out for Greek food with Maizey's dad and papa. (our donor and his husband). During dinner, I pulled out a "cash 4 life" lotto ticket, and passed it over to Angela and said.. "Happy Valentine's Day" and she said.. "oh we're doing presents? well I didn't get you anything". I said "its OK I'm use to it" as we're all laughing and joking, Ange pulls out this ring box opens it and says "will you marry me?" .. OMG! I cried, and said "of course". Hugs and Kisses etc... Yay.
Here is the ring.
Oh, and some pictures of Maizey too... :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

mamma called the doctor, the doctor said...

I was just so worried about Maizey's fussing when it comes to eating that I called the doctor. The doctor said that it's OK to just let her eat what she'll take. she eats so randomly. sometimes 1oz. sometimes 3oz. Last night she ate 5oz within 3 hours.
The doctor also noted that her right eye is turned out a little and has suggested we monitor it.